Sarit Fassazadeh, LCSW

Find Freedom From the Urge
Body Focused repetitive behaviors are a group of self grooming behaviors in which an individual pulls, picks, scraps, or bites resulting in damage to the body. These behaviors are not habits or Tics but rather a complex disorder that causes people to repeated touch their hair or body in a way that causes harm. There are many different types of BFRB's such as Trichotillomania, Excoriation/Dermatiillomania, Onychophagia (nail biting) and others.
(According to the TLC Foundation.)
Excoriation / Dermatillomania (skin picking disorder)
Those who engage in skin picking tend to pick from multiple body sites, for extended periods of time, targeting both healthy and previously damaged skin. Targeted areas of the body may change over time. Commonly reported experiences that lead to picking include: an urge or physical tension prior to picking, unpleasant emotions, cognitions (permission-giving thoughts, beliefs about how the skin should look or feel), sensations (a bump, sore spot), and/or a displeasing aspect of one’s own appearance (visible blemish). Commonly reported experiences following picking behavior include: urge reduction, sense of relief or pleasure, psychosocial difficulties or embarrassment, avoidance, reduced productivity, emotional sequelae such as anxiety or depression, skin infections, scars, lesions, and/or disfigurement.
Onychophagia (nail biting disorder)
Nail biting is often associated with visible nail damage, tension prior to or when attempting to resist nail biting, feelings of pleasure after biting, nail eating, and psychological distress. Many describe the behavior as “automatic.” Nail biting behavior can not only result in unappealing cosmetic appearance, shame, guilt, and embarrassment, but may also cause significant damage to the cuticles and nails. Stigmatization by family and other social groups is also frequently of concern.
Treatment Approach
I utilized the ComB Model to treat BFRBs. This treatment model helps you build awareness to your precursors /situational triggers. It teaches you habit reversal skills, relaxation techniques, CBT, ACT and relapse prevention as a means to treat these BFRBs.